Often when we receive inquiries from homebuyers looking for a home inspector, we are asked the basic interview questions about experience, rates, and availability.? But one of the best pieces of information we can offer the homebuyer is the following checklist to help understand the home inspection itself.
Here is a short list of things to look for:
- Is the house structurally sound, safe, and a healthy place to live?
- What is the age and current general condition of the roof?
- Do I know pertinent info about the attic and crawlspace? Including insulation coverage and thickness, as well as any water penetration issues.
- Are the heating and cooling systems operating as designed?
- Are all plumbing fixtures in working order and free of leaks?
- Where is the location of the main water shutoff and the predominant piping materials; supply, waste, and venting?
- What is the location and condition of the electrical service and associated panels, including breaker status?
- Does the seller have maintenance records they are willing to release?
- Are the kitchen appliances performing as expected, including operating lights?
- Should I be concerned about environmental issues, i.e. asbestos, mold, radon, or termites?
While this list is not exhaustive, it does provides a good basis for beginning to understand what a general home inspection should reveal before you buy your prospective new home.