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How to Maintain a Clean Environmentally Friendly Home

Choosing cleaning products which are environmentally friendly and removing toxic ones out of the house is the shortest and surest way to ensure a clean home with fresh air.How to Maintain a Clean Home

The clean air renews and rejuvenates. If you decide to save your home from the neurotoxic chemicals, you are bound to improve your sleep. Plus, your children and pets will definitely become less fussy. Simply put, a sense of well-being is what you will get. By using green cleaning products you take part in the overall saving of the planet by making it easier on the environment. So, if you want to make a change, take note of the following ideas.

1. See what’s under the kitchen sink:

Dispose of all toxic products ? wasp spray, polishes, waxes, oven cleaner, etc. Such ‘poisons’ are one of the biggest threats to your child’s health. Replace cleaning agents with signs like caution, danger, warning, or poison written on them with safer, green products.

2. Start preparing home-made cleaning agents:

Learn how to clean from scratch. Use the contents from your kitchen cupboard. The cleaning powers of everyday products like vinegar, baking soda, lemon, etc. will surprise you! You simply need to experiment on your own a little until you find the cleaning mixture that best fits your needs. You will not only help the environment, but also your family budget.

3. Sponges, rags, mops and other cleaning ‘accessories’:

Use as little non-renewable products as possible. Also, try to stay away from such with harmful ingredients. And why not use old T-shirts rather than to waste money on buying new rags? Choose reusable cloth rags over paper towels. It saves trees. If you really need to use paper towels, make sure the paper is unbleached and recycled.

4. About household hazardous waste pickups:

Hazardous products must be disposed of by all means, however not in the easiest way possible ? down the drain. This causes pollution of large proportions. The proper way to do it is to contact the local recycling site. Each city has one. Actually, many communities have a couple of Household Hazardous Waste Pickup Days every year.

5. Save water:

Drinking water is a precious resource and it should not be wasted. The tap must not be run unless you will be using the water for washing purposes. Consider placing a doormat at your front door, which will restrict the carrying in of mud and you will therefore have to mop less, which itself leads to less water usage.

Think in perspective. Provided that you want to maintain a clean and healthy household, do the right thing and go green!

Author’s Bio:

Nicole is a passionate writer, devoted mom and adventurer. She enjoys writing about healthy lifestyle and easy home organizing.



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