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5 Biggest Home Inspection Mistakes

5 Biggest Home Inspection Mistakes

Home inspections are a visual evaluation of a home’s condition. Home inspectors help determine the performance of the home. The inspection doesn’t just identify problems with the house but helps the owner understand how to maintain the property. Owning a home is one of the largest investments a person makes.

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There are 5 mistakes to avoid in a Home Inspection

Not Researching the Inspector

The home inspection is only as good as the inspector. Don’t take whatever name is first recommended. Do some research!
Ask questions of the inspector;

  • How long have you been inspecting homes?
  • How many inspections have your done?
  • What are your qualifications, certifications, and training?
  • What was your job before you were a home inspector?

Look for a home inspector that is certified and who stays current. There is a lot to know and you need someone that keeps up with ongoing education. It would be nice if your inspector had contracting or a building background.

Hire a home inspector from HomeMD

Not Attending the Inspection

Attending the inspection usually isn’t mandatory but is a good idea. You will better understand the written report if you were there to see the problems. Follow the inspector around and ask questions during the home inspection. You will need to allow an entire morning or afternoon for the inspection. The inspector will explain what he is seeing and answer your concerns. A good inspector can give you estimates of how much money you’ll need for repairs and upgrades. This will help you to budget these expenses.



Not Reading the Inspection Report

You need an inspection report that is written in clear, concise language. (Ask for an example) A knowledgeable inspector will state simply what’s wrong with the house and what it will take to fix it. Take time to read the report, don’t just skim over it.

Not Getting a Presale Inspection

It is a mistake for sellers to leave the presale inspection to the buyers. The buyer’s inspection leaves the sellers little time to complete repairs and keep the sale on track. If a home inspection is done before putting the house on the market, the seller has more time to have repairs done. This allows them time to shop around and control repair costs. Don’t wait until the last minute to call an inspector. Many home inspectors are booked well in advance.


Not Prepping the Home

Inspectors become upset when homeowners don’t prepare the house for inspection. Home inspectors need access to all areas. Make sure crawl-space hatches/openings are clear and accessible. Utility closets, basements, and sheds need to be open. Make sure electric panels and water cut-offs are accessible.
Professionals should be hired to do any home repairs. If the seller tries to do repairs on the cheap they could show up during the re-inspection and could mean more repairs or another inspection.

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